How We More Than DOUBLED Our MRR (From $42K To $96,500) By Rebuilding My MSP With A Marketing Engine

Scott LarsonGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

From A $13M Business To Considering Closing Shop I was what most business owners strive to become. A $13 million business with some high-profile clients. But they say the bigger you are, the harder you fall. Boy, did we fall hard! We went through more ups, downs and pivots than a roller coaster. We were the tail and never the …

Dennis Gentles

My ‘Journey’ Led Me To Add $12,328 In New MRR In Just 90 Days — On Pace To Finally Break $1 Million!

Dennis GentlesGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

I Knew The Importance Of Marketing But Just Couldn’t Make It Work Since I founded CloudFirst Technology Solutions in 2010, I always knew the value of good marketing. (At least, I THOUGHT I did.) In the early days, I put together a small marketing team and focused on building a website. We made some flyers and canvassed offices throughout Las …


Brand-New To Marketing, We Added 2 Clients Worth $98,280 Plus $326,461 In Sales In Just 90 Days!

Elizabeth MoonGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

Running 20 Years WITHOUT A Marketing Plan As husband-and-wife cofounders, we just celebrated our 20th year in business this July. My husband, Page, wears both the tech and sales hats while I have always donned the business administration hat. In 20 years, we have evolved from an e-mail delivery firm (2001) to an IT networking break-fix company (2003) to an …


After 22 Years Of ZERO MARKETING, I Set An Aggressive Goal Of Adding $25K In MRR And Hit It In Just 90 DAYS!

Joshua HollowayGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

Sabotaged By My Ex-Wife And Then Fired My Mom And Dad I started consulting back when our years started with a 19. I quickly built a client base through word-of-mouth and absolutely no marketing. I was a tech trying to be a business owner, but also juggling HR, payroll, operations, EVERYTHING. Sound familiar? As a result, not only did I …

While Others SHUT DOWN Marketing In 2020, Juern Technology DOUBLED THEIRS… Which Doubled Their Revenue – Up $1,269,711!

Neal JuernGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

THIS Kept Me Up At Night I started Juern Technology in 2012. Like many MSPs, I began as a one-man IT shop and grew slowly from out-of-the-blue referrals. Through the years, I would try random acts of marketing: Facebook Ads – check. ClickFunnels – yep. Even hired a marketing consultant, but never got one client. ZERO! Being honest with myself, …

I Finally Discovered THE ONE THING That Added Almost $1 MILLION In Revenue And A 350% Profit Growth In Our Better Your Best–Winning Year!

Michael BazarGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

Early Struggles, Ineffective Marketing, Stagnant Growth – Sound Familiar? I officially started Bazar Solutions, Inc., in 2009. I grew my business the first few years the way most IT people do: word of mouth, referrals and a little bit of cold-calling. I tried my hand at TV advertising, canvassing and other one-off marketing campaigns. Nothing stuck, and we generated few …

By Transforming Our Mindset, Our Model And Our Marketing, We Jumped From $1,800 A Month To $95K In MRR!

Brian & Mary HamiltonGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

Living In A Basement Apartment With 5 Kids And Not Knowing Where Our Next Check Was Coming From As a husband-and-wife team, we started Mid Atlantic Data & Communications, LLC, in Roanoke, Virginia, back in 2004. As co-CEOs, Mary is the business piece and Brian is the tech piece. Mary brags on her husband as a natural-born salesperson: “Brian is …

How We Went From No Marketing Plan And No Predictable Growth To Increasing Our MRR By 58% During Covid

Matt & Jeanine KinseyGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

As a husband-and-wife team, we saw our MSP grow each and every year for the last 13 years, but we were STILL struggling and not paying ourselves what we were worth. FAR from it, in fact. We understood marketing was important, so we had tested the waters. Once we hired a local marketing consultant (that didn’t work out). Another time, …

Essentially A Start-Up Company After My Accident, I Used A Proven Marketing Approach To Add 2 New Clients And $6,750 In MRR

David KellettGenius of the Month

I Had An Accident Doing The Work I Love You never know just how quickly your life can change. It was 2013, and I was wrapping up changing out an uninterruptible power supply for a client. A routine job we’ve all done a hundred times. But the circumstances were anything but routine. You see, their network cabinet was mounted nine …