What 449+ MSPs, VARs And IT Services Clients Have To Say About Technology Marketing Toolkit

What Our Clients Have To Say

TMT Is Going To Make You A Better Professional
TMT helps you learn how to do good marketing but they are much more than that... they teach you how to be a good CEO, or marketing manager, or Sales Development Rep, or a help-desk technician. Whatever shoes you fill in your IT firm, TMT is going to make you a better professional. Working with TMT has transformed our company from a small one-man band struggling to scale to an IT firm with a team of technicians and account managers and a real sales team.
Andrew McDonald

Andrew McDonald

Quality Computer Consulting

I Grew From A Stagnant Solopreneur To A Multimillion-Dollar MSP

For 15 years, Mazteck was just a one-man shop making a comfortable living through break-fix work and a small amount of recurring revenue. I was content operating this way out of my home with low overhead. That all changed when I received a direct mail piece from Robin Robins with a dollar bill stapled to it. Reading through her promises of adding thousands in revenue through the Technology Marketing Toolkit struck a chord — I realized I had built myself a job, not a business.

Despite initial skepticism that this could be a scheme, a fortune cookie message convinced me: "Don't be afraid to take a chance when the opportunity of a lifetime appears." I decided to go all-in, signing up for the Toolkit and a Rapid Implementation Workshop. Those first three months were a game-changer. I launched a new campaign, presented managed services to my clients and converted enough to add $18,875 in new monthly recurring revenue.

With that influx of MRR, I could hire my first employee and move into subsequent campaigns, which quickly added two more clients at $4,685 in MRR and $26,400 in projects. By the end of those first three months, my entire business mindset transformed — I was no longer content, but hungry to keep growing.

Doubling down on executing TMT campaigns precisely as taught, we now send 150-200 mail pieces weekly across various flows like direct mail, newsletters, PPC, retargeting and webinars. This consistent, multitouch marketing engine has propelled remarkable growth — from a $200K-per-year one-man shop, to a 10-person team closing out last year at over $2 million in revenue with $145,000 in MRR.

Beyond the financial upside, implementing TMT’s marketing has enabled lifestyle achievements like taking a real vacation without opening my laptop, printing my own book, earning accolades like being an Inc. Power Partner and ranked #85 on the MSP501 list. I've learned the value of never being content, setting clear documented goals and the accountability of weekly team meetings.

If not for that fateful dollar bill from Robin and memorable fortune cookie, I may have remained a stagnant solopreneur forever. While I once couldn't fathom building a multimillion-dollar MSP, TMT's proven marketing strategies made it a reality. My biggest regret is not implementing these teachings sooner in my 20-year career.

Read his full story here.

Mario Zaki

Mario Zaki

Mazteck IT

Fully Embracing Robin Robins' Proven Strategies Propelled Our 800% Growth

Last year, BroCoTec emerged as a prime example of strategic growth through meticulous planning, targeted marketing and a steadfast commitment to top-tier IT and cybersecurity services — all driven by the principles from Robin Robins' Technology Marketing Toolkit.

We began by overhauling our service offerings with a heavy cybersecurity emphasis. After analyzing our pricing against Greg Crabtree's Labor Efficiency Ratio, we realized our rates were sub-par for a best-in-class provider. This led to a strategic 20-30% price increase to align with industry standards.

Our marketing excellence stemmed from a multi-pronged TMT approach — from the famous Aspirin Campaign sending 100 personalized letters weekly to hot prospects, to drip marketing solidifying our brand authority. We even rolled out innovative "Shock And Awe" boxes with branded merch for new prospects.

Joining the exclusive Producers Club elevated our industry status and facilitated invaluable networking with top performers. We gained access to additional resources and best practices that further amplified our marketing strategies.

The results were astounding — monthly recurring revenue soared from $85K in December 2022 to $180K by December 2023. That’s a $95K MRR increase in just one year! Total revenue skyrocketed 800% from our first full year in 2020 to $3.4M in 2023. $74K in new MRR came from landing new clients, while $21K stemmed from upgrades/cross-sells to existing accounts.

Beyond the numbers, 2023 marked the first year the owners received proper compensation in line with our roles — a testament to our newfound profitability and sustainability. We are a living testament to following TMT’s strategies wholeheartedly.

Read his full story here.

Nat Kemberling

Nat Kemberling


We Soared To $6.7M In Revenue After 30 Years Of Slow Growth

ComTech is a family business where I serve as the CEO, my eldest son is the COO and my youngest son is the Marketing Manager. For the first 30 years, we experienced extremely slow growth with little to no marketing efforts. That all changed when my youngest son, Hunter, read through the Technology Marketing Toolkit materials I had purchased years ago. He absorbed the information, and we could have never anticipated the remarkable results that followed.

It took us nearly 30 years to reach $2 million in revenue. However, by executing the marketing strategies from TMT, we were rapidly closing in on $5 million just a few years later. 2022 ended with $5.1 million in revenue and a 12% net profit. As a team, we decided to push hard over the past year with multiple campaigns, price increases and a new focus on maximizing tech labor efficiency to drive revenue and profitability.

The results in 2023 blew away our expectations — we set a new record with $6.7 million in revenue and an astonishing 26% net profit. Just three years ago, I never could have imagined these numbers were possible. The success stemmed from executing on multiple fronts — running diversified campaigns, fine-tuning our target markets, hosting unique events like a Corvette giveaway and CyberCon live event and raising our prices.

I realized the key was having all areas of our business firing on all cylinders and working in unison, just like rowing a boat with all oars in the water propelling us forward. With our processes now finely honed, we feel confident about acquiring other companies to facilitate further growth, which our increased profits have enabled us to finance.

We have laser-focused on engaging with our defined target markets more than ever before. Our goal for this year is to reach $7.5 million in revenue, and by the end of next year, we are aiming for the $10 million milestone. The entire family is deeply engaged in the business and we're having a blast watching it rapidly grow and thrive.

One major initiative was recruiting and implementing a dedicated data scrubbing team, taking the advice from TMT to identify and clean our lists of ideal target markets and qualified prospects in our service areas. This scrub of over 13,000 contacts allowed us to fuel our marketing efforts with a vastly improved database.

Read their full story here.

Mike & Hunter Farlow

Mike & Hunter Farlow

ComTech Network Solutions

Jason Brooks

Jason Brooks

Owner, Beanstalk Computing

TMT’s 5-Step Sales Process Earned Me A 1,100% Increase In Net Profits

For over 20 years, my wife and I had poured our lives into building an IT services business with the dream of achieving financial freedom and an early retirement at 55. But despite the long hours and constant stress, we found ourselves past 55 with few vacations under our belt and no clear path to our desired lifestyle. We were full of excuses — the small Alaskan market, hiring challenges, economic recessions. A critical financial metric revealed the harsh truth — the sum of our profit percentage and growth rate was 0.

A wake-up call came when Robin Robins pointed out my profitability problem on a call reviewing my numbers. I realized I had the Technology Marketing Toolkit at my disposal for years but hadn't fully committed and "grabbed it like I owned it" as my uncle had pushed me to as a young deck hand. I started taking advantage of every Producers Club opportunity, like visiting Robert Herjavec's Security Operations Center.

Implementing Robin's pricing advice, we executed a strategic round of increases, raising some clients over 15% and providing more value justification — resulting in little churn but a 12%+ boost in our average all-in seat pricing. I also made the tough call to replace an underperforming vCIO with a top-performing ops manager to cut $100K in labor costs.

Following the Producers Club themes, I personally conducted Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) with 100% of our clients, generating more referrals, projects, product sales and stickiness. For trust-based marketing, I launched a non-profit, "Cybersecure Alaska," with a vision of making our state the cybersecurity leader — this raised my authority through speaking engagements. Insurance joint ventures were natural add-on sales from these conversations.

Adopting the TMT 5-Step Sales process transformed our lackluster closing numbers. I revamped my entire sales playbook, replaced an underperforming appointment setter with two high-performing part-timers and built a better targeted prospect list of over 1,400 companies by accessing state business license data.

The results have been remarkable. Last year, our revenue grew 32% while recurring revenue spiked 38% higher. But the biggest win — combining higher revenue with smarter labor costs facilitated an astonishing 1,100% increase in net profits. We're now tracking over 21% projected net profits this year as I've finally grabbed hold of the Toolkit "like I own it" — putting us on the path to achieving those long-stalled dreams of financial freedom.

Read his full story here.

Todd Clark

Todd Clark


Brian Satz

Brian Satz

Owner, CW IT Support

I Transformed My Company Into A Trusted IT Advisor And Achieved 43% Revenue Growth

When I started with DigeTekS, the company was in the "valley of death" in terms of revenue and I didn’t want to stay stuck in that valley where we weren’t generating more than $3M. I set a goal of growing revenue by 18% (to $3.2M) while maintaining a 20% net profit. The focus was on improving processes and positioning DigeTekS as the ultimate IT trusted advisor rather than focusing on extreme revenue growth.

One of my first goals was to concentrate heavily on enhancing the Quarterly Business Review (QBR) process. I created a specialized statement tailored to each client's industry, emphasizing DigeTekS as a security-focused firm helping with compliance, risk mitigation, stability and growth. Existing clients were never undersold, with IT roadmaps designed to facilitate their goals — leading to significant growth for four large clients because they lean on us for their planning and execution.

Efforts were made to fix DigeTekS' marketing by improving areas like lead generation, capturing, branding, reports and presentations. We gathered testimonials, revamped the website, began consistent digital marketing, hired SDRs for outreach, purchased better prospect lists and ran marketing campaigns like direct mail.

We focused on getting the right people in the right roles, hiring a marketing admin, new accountant, and PEO (professional employer organization) service for payroll/benefits. Weekly sales and marketing meetings were instituted. To reach prospects, DigeTekS joined local chambers, partnered with companies for webinars/events, implemented consistent referral campaigns and ran a successful "Small Business Tech Day" event.

These initiatives paid off, with DigeTekS achieving 43% revenue growth to $3.9M last year, 15% profit growth to $1.15M, a 107% increase in MRR to $379K and adding 13 new clients. The key to our success was continuous learning and improvement through speaking to peers, attending TMT events and coaching from the TMT team and their Experts In Residence.

Read her full story here.

Brandis Kelly

Brandis Kelly

CEO and Founder, DigeTekS

Tommy Thornton Image

Tommy Thornton

CEO, Automates

Initially Very Skeptical, After Generating $84,400 In Revenue In 90 Days, We Realized This Was The BEST BUSINESS DECISION We Ever Made!

“We were very skeptical about joining TMT’s Accelerators Club and going through Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop. Turns out, besides starting our business, it was the BEST BUSINESS DECISION we have ever made.

If we told you we only got what we expected out of the Rapid Implementation Workshop, it would be a lie. We have gained FAR MORE than we ever dreamed was possible. Among the impressive results we’ve achieved, we have:

  • Increased our MRR by 50%
  • Generated $84,400 in increased revenue
  • Added $13,000 in new projects
  • Seated 27 appointments

We still can’t believe everything we’ve accomplished in just 90 days!”

Matt and Jeanine Kinsey

Matt and Jeanine Kinsey

IT Fusion

Coaching Has Enabled Us To Exceed Our MRR Goals

“As a salesperson, I have a handful of years of B2B sales. However, prior to joining the Sales Champion Program, when we proposed our services, we’d have prospects give us added information about their process while letting us know that they went in a different direction. I wasn’t closing sales that I wanted.

Since joining the Sales Champion coaching program, as a team we hit our annual MRR quota goal and then exceeded it! In the past, I’ve come very close to making it, but always fell short.

Being able to role play with peers who give good feedback has been invaluable for me. I was able to identify gaps in my first-time appointment questions that was causing me to lose the sale.”

Kasey Sheley

Kasey Sheley

Sales & Marketing Manager, SundogIT

We Won An $8,500-A-Month Agreement

“This group has been the prescription we needed to improve our sales approach and process. Our average client MRR is just under $5,000 a month and many of our clients also generate an equal amount of services/product margin in addition to the agreement.

In our group, the coaches’ focus is on our improvement. Following the sales playbook that TMT provided has helped my team shore up everything from lead capture through the close process.

I find great value in the role-play meetings; having the ability to practice with my peers and not in front of my prospects while getting quality feedback from the coaches and all of our group members is a needed, welcome function.

We won an $8,500-a-month agreement that will grow over the next year and include a significant amount of project work from the training of this group. Following this program helps successfully manage the process to properly address each lead and improve your close ratios, which we all can use. Since joining, we added $34,850 in MRR!”

Mike Moran

Mike Moran

President, Affiliated Resource Group

We Improved Our First-Time Appointments To Close Rate From 4.7% To 16%

“Before joining the MSP Sales Champions coaching program, our sales were abysmal. There were many things I was frustrated with but the sales closing percentage was all on me. I think I was like most MSPs in thinking that since I was the only person in sales, I could wing it and figure things out as I went along.

I’m not going to lie, it was painful at first to join a sales accountability group. Following a sales process I’m NOT comfortable with and role-playing were not things I’m used to. The alternative was to keep doing things the way I’ve always done. Which was not an option to reach our one-year, three-year, and 10-year goals.

Since joining the MSP Sales Champions group, we improved our first-time appointments to close rate from 4.7% to 16%. No IFs, ANDs, or BUTs. I implemented the sales process and didn’t change one thing about it.

The biggest PERSONAL benefit is confidence and income. I’m confident going into sales meetings. I’m confident I can grow MRR and bring more income for me and the family business.”

Tito Huynh

Tito Huynh

Vice President, Business Data Services VP

The Numbers Speak For Themselves – In Just 90 Days, We Added $11K In MRR And $20K In Projects

“Before we joined Robin Robins and Technology Marketing Toolkit, our numbers were trending downward. To change our mindset and our path, we signed up for our SECOND Rapid Implementation Workshop through TMT. As a result, we’ve had some INCREDIBLE successes over the last 90 days.

First, we signed our largest client ever! Next, we sponsored two networking events that resulted in about 60 new leads. We signed two more clients for a total of $11,000 in NEW MRR and closed about $20K in project work! All in all, since we started the Rapid Implementation Workshop, we have experienced a 25% increase in MRR in just 90 days. Trust Robin, commit to the process and you will have results. The numbers speak for themselves!”

Kyndel Wynn

Kyndel Wynn

Chief Operational Officer, Info Station

MSP Sales Champions Transformed Our Business, Resulting In A 33% Increase And Building A More Respected MSP

"Before joining the MSP Sales Champions group, my experience at Kloud9IT had been successful, but I sensed the need for improvement. Dealing with numerous deals, especially smaller accounts, demanded significant attention. I was eager to sell every opportunity, sometimes neglecting to assess if it truly aligned with Kloud9IT's best interests. In the previous year, I closed 39 deals with an MRR of $40,846.75, averaging $1,047.35 per deal, and a closing rate of 26%. All deals were on 3-year terms, totaling $1,470,483 in contract value.

Initially skeptical about what more I could learn after years in technology sales, I decided to give MSP Sales Champions a chance. The introduction of sales strategies, processes, and the concept of 'diagnosing' situations like a doctor caught my attention. As my engagement increased, I began to see a shift in my approach.

The transformation was evident in my sales statistics. I closed 25 deals with an MRR of $60,934, averaging $2,437 per deal, and a 31.6% close rate. Opening 79 opportunities, I increased my deal size by 43%, all on three-year terms, resulting in a total contract value of $2,193,264. My newfound ability to assess the suitability of business engagements for Kloud9IT contributed to a 33% increase over the previous year.

Listening and actively participating in the MSP Sales Champions group not only gave me valuable insights but also translated into a substantial annual raise. Beyond personal success, it has played a pivotal role in building Kloud9IT into a more respected and recognized MSP in the industry."

Bob Bolte

Bob Bolte

Senior Business Development Manager, Kloud9IT

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