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MSP Marketing

Featured image for “The Power Of The Nine-Word Email: A Simple Strategy To Resuscitate Dead Leads”
July 23, 2024
Robin Robins

The Power Of The Nine-Word Email: A Simple Strategy To Resuscitate Dead Leads

We all know how frustrating it can be when a promising lead goes cold. You’ve spent time and resources nurturing a potential client, only to be met with radio silence. That’s where the magic of the nine-word email comes into play. This remarkably simple yet effective tool can revive those seemingly lost opportunities and turn them into hot prospects once again. Subscribe to the TMT YouTube channel here What Is The Nine-Word Email? The nine-word email is a minimalist approach to reconnecting with leads who…
Featured image for “How To Kickstart Your IT Business: Proven Strategies For Immediate Results”
July 18, 2024
Robin Robins

How To Kickstart Your IT Business: Proven Strategies For Immediate Results

When I started, I didn’t even have a bag of pennies. I was literally broke. But I had determination and a solid plan. One of the smartest things I did from the very beginning in sales was to build lists. I made sure to have a detailed CRM, tracking every contact I made. This proactive approach set the foundation for my success, and it can do the same for you. Subscribe to the TMT YouTube channel here Build And Maintain Your CRM From my experience,…
Featured image for “When Is The Right Time To Hire More Sales Staff For Your MSP?”
July 16, 2024
Robin Robins

When Is The Right Time To Hire More Sales Staff For Your MSP?

As an MSP business owner, one of the pivotal decisions you’ll face is knowing when to expand your sales team. Many factors influence this timing, from the structure of your company to your growth aspirations. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the strategic hiring of sales staff to accelerate your growth. Subscribe to the TMT YouTube channel here Hire Sales Staff Early If You Have The Resources If you have the backing of private equity and a solid cash flow, the best time to hire sales…

Genius Of The Month

Featured image for “How I Turned Our Worst Year Of Losses Into Rapid Growth And Saved Our Company From Bankruptcy”
June 4, 2024
Barry Monies

How I Turned Our Worst Year Of Losses Into Rapid Growth And Saved Our Company From Bankruptcy

About 27 years ago, even before Y2K, I started Computronix. After many years of just scraping by, we started spending crazy amounts of money to build a 50-team operation. We were growing to millions in revenue, but little did I know that all of the debt being used to grow was going to end up on my shoulders and put us into a tailspin. As we all know, a giant mergers-and-acquisitions wave was hitting not only our industry, but all businesses – and Computronix got…
Featured image for “How I Leveled Up My MSP By Adding $678,108 In Revenue, $89,803 In Net Profit And $32,858 In MRR In Just One Year To Win TMT’s “Better Your Best”!”
May 2, 2024
Mario Zaki

How I Leveled Up My MSP By Adding $678,108 In Revenue, $89,803 In Net Profit And $32,858 In MRR In Just One Year To Win TMT’s “Better Your Best”!

Twenty years ago this year, Mazteck IT was born. For the first 15 years of my business, I was content. Content with being a one-man shop. Content with being 99% break-fix with barely a drop of monthly recurring revenue. Content with working early mornings, late nights and weekends. Practically 24/7. Vacation? What’s that? Subscribe to the TMT YouTube channel here One day, because my kids were hungry (I was hungry), we ordered Chinese. As the sesame chicken arrived at the door, I picked up the…
Featured image for “From Struggling MSP To $28,393 In New MRR And $431,934 Top-Line”
April 2, 2024
Gary Monick & Jacqui Magnes

From Struggling MSP To $28,393 In New MRR And $431,934 Top-Line

Fourteen years ago, I, Gary Monck, partnered with a friend who owned a smaller MSP to establish CISPOINT. Like most of the people in the industry, we were great techs but knew little about marketing and growing a business. Running on referrals only, we would accidentally bump into a customer every now and then. Candidly, we were just a couple of engineers who couldn’t get out of our own way. Then the pandemic hit and everything got more difficult and complicated. It got to the…
6 Ways To Double MSP Leads, Appointments And Sales Without Spending A Dime On Marketing | Robin Robins

FREE: 6 Ways To Get More High-Paying Clients Without Spending A Dime On Marketing

Featured image for ““Mr. Lemonis, my Dad wants me to take over his business someday, any advice?””
April 5, 2022
Robin Robins

“Mr. Lemonis, my Dad wants me to take over his business someday, any advice?”

At a special event we hosted with Marcus Lemonis, we had a tiny attendee ask an outstanding question, I thought I’d share it with you. Join us for Boot Camp April 19-22 to see Marcus speak live. Click here to get your tickets now or go to…
Featured image for “Robin’s Top 12 Videos of 2021”
December 30, 2021
Robin Robins

Robin’s Top 12 Videos of 2021

2021 is coming to a close but it was quite a year for MSPs.  We’ve highlighted our Top 12 YouTube videos of the year for business growth.  And make sure to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any coming in 2022.    1. 8 Prospecting Tips For MSPs One of the things I see MSPs struggle with the most is prospecting. Watch this quick video to get my best tips you need to consider when running your next prospecting campaign. 2. Use This Little-Know Strategy To Get Other Companies To Send You Hot Leads And Clients Free Are you utilizing strategic partnerships? If…
Featured image for “The Million-Dollar Mark: Why 79% of MSPs Never Reach It”
September 20, 2021
Robin Robins

The Million-Dollar Mark: Why 79% of MSPs Never Reach It

Register For The IT Marketing Roadshow Here’s a little statistic that might shock you about the IT services industry: 79% of the people running businesses in this industry never break the million-dollar mark. And that’s even after being in business for 10 years on average or more. What’s even more surprising is 51 percent never even get to the half million-dollar mark. And that’s with all the resources, all the marketing, all the access to information and the growing demand for IT services. The industry…
Featured image for “Building Financial Strength for MSPs and IT Services Businesses”
September 20, 2021
Robin Robins

Building Financial Strength for MSPs and IT Services Businesses

Register For The IT Marketing Roadshow One of the things that smaller MSPs who are struggling screw up in their business is they don’t think in terms of building financial strength and financial leverage. These task-oriented people are thinking in terms of what needs to be done. They might be thinking, “How do we get more clients? How do we generate more MRR?” But they’re not thinking long term and they’re certainly not thinking about equity. Here I’m going to answer the questions, “How do…