unique selling proposition

The Single, Simple Trick That Will Get 3 To 4 Times More Response From Every Single Marketing Campaign, Guaranteed

Robin RobinsIT Marketing, MSP Marketing

Any ideas on what it is? Hint: It’s the thing that got you to read this article – the headline. The headline is “the ad for the ad.” It’s the device that, if well-written, will stop the right reader-prospect in their tracks and get them involved in reading your campaign and taking action. In the example above, I could have …

unique selling proposition

The Importance Of Demonstrating Your Expertise

Robin RobinsIT Marketing, IT Sales

Here’s a chapter for “how NOT to close a prospect.” Last month Ryan Markel brought to my attention someone who is teaching MSPs how to grow their sales departments, suggesting we engage in some manner. Initially, I’m very interested, as I’m ever interested in bringing fresh new moneymaking ideas to my members. I instantly have ideas about how I can …

unique selling proposition

The Importance Of Holding Your Marketing Accountable To A Result

Robin RobinsIT Marketing, MSP Marketing

If I hear someone say their hope for marketing is “brand awareness” or to “get my name out there” one more time I’m gonna start a protest against slovenly, wasteful marketing. At least then I wouldn’t get my events shut down, but I digress… To my point: Let’s suppose the “branding” folks managed an employee the same way they are …

unique selling proposition

Grabbing Attention

Robin RobinsIT Marketing, MSP Marketing

To the right is a favorite “article” from the Weekly World News (the only RELIABLE news outlet these days) that I keep in my files as inspiration for a marketing campaign somewhere in the future. I DO think an ad run like this around Halloween with an offer to “exorcise the demon” in your computer would do really well – …

unique selling proposition

Nice Is A Path To NOWHERE

Robin RobinsIT Marketing, MSP Marketing

In one of my favorite books, Harry Beckwith’s What Clients Love, is this story: NICE IS NOWHERE. You do NOT want everyone to like what you do. Ian Schrager created a revolutionary chain of elite hotels. His properties are to hotels what Salvador Dali paintings are to art – not for everyone. Schrager expressly designs his hotels for one traveler …

unique selling proposition

7 Marketing Oil Wells You MUST Be Doing Consistently

Robin RobinsIT Marketing, MSP Marketing

We are about to head into another recession, and most MSPs will be looking to cut costs, including marketing (they look at it as an expense not an investment – but correct marketing will always be an investment). A recession is the ideal time for growing your MSP, as the number of competitors you have will drop. To take advantage …

unique selling proposition

Are You Counting The Concealed Costs Of Sunken Money In Your Business?

Robin RobinsIT Marketing

In many categories of marketing and sales, as well as in your business, there are not-so-obvious costs that get overlooked because they aren’t recorded on the balance sheet or accounting ledger. If Walmart is eliminating their greeters, I hope they are evaluating the total cost of NOT having that person there, not just the obvious cost savings of the lowered …

unique selling proposition

Problem, Agitate, Solve

Robin RobinsIT Marketing

The above is the oldest and still one of the most effective formulas for lead generation. More specifically, identify a highly irritating problem, anxiety, worry or frustration your clients have. Next, AGITATE it. Make them FEEL even more annoyed, frustrated and worried about it – and THEN offer the solution to the problem. As I’ve long taught, effective marketing copy …