“From Zero Marketing Skills And Near Zero Growth To Executing 23 Revenue-Generating Marketing Efforts In Under 90 Days”

Steven JohnGenius of the Month

My Excuses Were Piling Up As Much As My Debt I wasn’t like many of Robin’s clients who order the Toolkit and then plop it on a shelf. I read it thoroughly cover to cover. But a funny thing happens when you simply READ the Toolkit but don’t IMPLEMENT its contents: Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Eventually, the Toolkit started gathering dust. …

“Our First Marketing Campaign Generated One Lead, 8 Testimonials And Saved Our Oldest Client From Leaving”

Tom BlandfordGenius of the Month

I Had Peaked At $340,000 In Annual Revenue The year was 2009. After 10 years in business, my break-fix IT business had peaked at $340,000 in gross revenue. The rollercoaster of waiting for something to break so I could go fix it was exhausting. Something had to change, and that’s when I finally made the decision to go all in …

“We Tripled Our Bottom Line In One Year!”

Eric & Lisa ShorrGenius of the Month

There is an old saying: “You never just marry the person. You marry the mother, father, siblings …” What I did not realize is that, along with Eric, I married his fledgling business, PC Troubleshooters too. The “three” of us have lived in wedded bliss – well, sort of – for nearly two decades! But after slow, consistent growth for …

“We’ve Pushed Our Company From ‘Unhealthy’ To Growing A Thriving $5 Million Company!”

Chris HooseGenius of the Month

My business has had many influences: my parents, my wife, employees, Arlin Sorensen (HTG), and many teachers such as Paul Dippell, Gary Pica and Arnie Bellini, but the person responsible for the last three years of our company’s exponential growth is my coach, Robin. I’m honored to share with you the story of how I’ve more than doubled my business …

“Our First 90 Days Of Marketing Generated $6,091 Of New MRR And $93,240 In Project Work”

Stefanie GrootGenius of the Month

We Were Working Hard, But Climbing Further Into Debt When Windstar opened its retail space 14 years ago, we serviced everyone, consumers and businesses. If you needed help, we helped. We were the classic computer shop in a small town. Within two short years, we had grown to eight employees, business was booming and we thought we were doing awesome! …

“From $0 MRR To $10,000+ And Growing Strong!”

Damien PepperGenius of the Month

For 21 Years, I Didn’t Really Want To Grow I could sum up my first 21 years in business in just a few words … we had no ambition to grow. I was comfortable with my little business here in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, and although some would call us stagnant, my real hope each year was that we …

unique selling proposition

“We Added $802,221 In New Revenue In Just 3 Months!”

April PainterGenius of the Month

We Never Talked About Marketing Before Robin For the last 22 years, we’ve been successful selling IBM solutions and working with break-fix clients. With the advent of virtualization and cloud-hosted applications and systems, we quickly realized hardware and maintenance sales/margins were declining and we would need a new way to do business. We never did much in the way of …