10 KPIs MSPs Need To Track In 2024

Jeff FarrMSP Marketing

With years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the IT services sector, Jeff Farr has become a trusted voice for MSP owners seeking to drive profitability and growth. His expertise in financial management, operational efficiency, and customer service excellence has made him a sought-after advisor and mentor. Below he shares his 10 most critical money metrics essential for any MSP’s success.

1. Revenue Growth

Revenue growth is vital. It’s not just about increasing sales; it’s about sustainable growth. This means understanding your market, identifying new opportunities, and constantly refining your sales strategies. It’s about staying ahead of the curve and being adaptable in a rapidly changing industry.

2. Net Profit Margin

This metric is a true indicator of your MSP’s financial health. It’s crucial to not just focus on increasing revenue but also on managing costs effectively. A high net profit margin means you’re not just earning well but also spending wisely. It’s about balancing income with expenditures to maximize profitability.

Net profit margin is calculated by dividing the net profit (total revenue minus total expenses) by the total revenue. It provides a clear picture of the profitability of your MSP. High net profit margins indicate efficient management and robust financial health. Regularly analyzing and improving this margin is crucial for long-term success.

3. Gross Profit Margin

This is crucial for understanding the profitability of your services before considering operating expenses. It reflects the efficiency of your service delivery. A higher gross profit margin indicates that your MSP is delivering services cost-effectively.

4. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Knowing the cost to acquire a new customer is essential. This metric should be compared against the customer’s lifetime value to ensure sustainable growth. It’s a balance between investment in growth and the returns from that investment.

CAC is calculated by dividing the total costs associated with acquiring new customers (including marketing and sales expenses) by the number of new customers acquired. This metric is vital for understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing strategies and for ensuring that the cost of acquiring new customers is balanced with their lifetime value.

5. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

This metric indicates the total value a customer brings over the duration of their relationship with your MSP. It’s about understanding the long-term worth of each customer, beyond just initial sales.

CLV is calculated by taking the average revenue per customer, multiplying it by the average customer lifespan, and then subtracting the customer acquisition cost. This metric helps in understanding the long-term value of maintaining relationships with customers and in strategizing future investments in customer service and marketing.

6. Employee Efficiency

This involves measuring how productively your team is working, particularly in terms of billable hours. Efficient employees contribute to a more profitable MSP, making this a crucial metric to track and improve.

Employee efficiency is generally measured through the utilization rate, which calculates the percentage of billable hours against total working hours. It reflects how effectively employees are contributing to revenue-generating activities. Regularly monitoring and improving employee efficiency can lead to increased productivity and profitability. Strategies like training, better resource allocation, and incentive programs can enhance this efficiency.

7. Client Satisfaction

The importance of measuring and maintaining high client satisfaction cannot be overstated. It’s a key indicator of the quality of your services and directly impacts client retention and referrals.

Client satisfaction can be measured through surveys, feedback forms, and direct client interviews. Metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS) are commonly used. Consistently monitoring client feedback and making improvements based on this data is key to maintaining high satisfaction levels.

8. Employee Satisfaction

Employee contentment is vital for a productive and effective team. Their satisfaction not only affects their performance but also the quality of service they provide to clients, influencing overall business success.

Employee satisfaction is measured by assessing the overall contentment and morale of your team. Regular surveys, one-on-one meetings, and feedback systems can be effective tools. High employee satisfaction typically leads to better performance, reduced turnover, and improved customer service.

9. Churn Rate

Keeping track of how many customers you lose is crucial. A low churn rate is a strong indicator of customer satisfaction and the value of your services. It’s a metric that demands attention for long-term sustainability.

Churn rate is calculated by dividing the number of customers lost during a specific period by the total number of customers at the start of that period. A lower churn rate indicates higher customer retention and satisfaction. Monitoring and understanding the reasons behind churn are key to developing strategies to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.

10. Recurring Revenue Percentage

The stability of your MSP is significantly enhanced by steady, recurring revenue. A high percentage of your total revenue coming from recurring sources is ideal for predictable business growth and financial stability.

Recurring revenue percentage is calculated by dividing recurring revenue by the total revenue.


As an MSP owner, your focus should always be on these key financial metrics. They are not just numbers; they are the roadmap to your MSP’s success and profitability. Implement these strategies, and watch your MSP transform into a profit-generating machine.

Get more MSP growth strategies from Robin Robins, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Mike Michalowicz, and many more at this year’s IT Marketing Boot Camp.