Tom Breuer

, Computer Magic, Inc.,

From Skeptic To 85% Growth In Sales In Under A Year

A crisp dollar bill in the mail led me to open the Toolkit I’d had sitting on my shelf for five years. Initially, I wanted nothing to do with this program and was confident the contents would not resonate with our clients. Fortunately, my analytical side urged me to dig deeper and my research turned up hundreds of stunning testimonials from other MSPs. Before I knew it, this skeptic was signed up for the Rapid Implementation Workshop.

The first campaign I sent after the Workshop brought a response within five minutes that led to $15,000 in one-time sales plus $780 in MRR. My second campaign brought a long-time break-fix client into our top-tier Gold Managed Services Plan. Two more clients soon followed, increasing our MRR by $1,246.

After only five months, we have already increased our MRR by 27% and sales by 85% compared to this time last year. With each new success, my mindset shifts. Big, positive changes have happened in my company and I’m grateful to Robin, my Accountability Groups and my staff for making it possible.