Tito Huynh

, Vice President, Business Data Services VP,

We Improved Our First-Time Appointments To Close Rate From 4.7% To 16%

“Before joining the MSP Sales Champions coaching program, our sales were abysmal. There were many things I was frustrated with but the sales closing percentage was all on me. I think I was like most MSPs in thinking that since I was the only person in sales, I could wing it and figure things out as I went along.

I’m not going to lie, it was painful at first to join a sales accountability group. Following a sales process I’m NOT comfortable with and role-playing were not things I’m used to. The alternative was to keep doing things the way I’ve always done. Which was not an option to reach our one-year, three-year, and 10-year goals.

Since joining the MSP Sales Champions group, we improved our first-time appointments to close rate from 4.7% to 16%. No IFs, ANDs, or BUTs. I implemented the sales process and didn’t change one thing about it.

The biggest PERSONAL benefit is confidence and income. I’m confident going into sales meetings. I’m confident I can grow MRR and bring more income for me and the family business.”