Lisa & Eric Shorr

, Secure Future Tech Solutions,

We Tripled Our Bottom Line In One Year!

During the first 15 years of business, we grew into a nearly $2 million per year company but after slow, consistent growth for years, it came to a screeching halt. We were stagnant… until we found Technology Marketing Toolkit and changed our mindset.

In the first three months, we generated over $37,000 in new revenue and made the jump to Robin’s Producers Club. After 11 months with Robin, we experienced 24.1% services growth. No doubt, we were finally sold on the value of marketing.

Over the last year alone, we’ve executed 130 marketing campaigns and have increased overall company revenues by $413,308.71. And it wasn’t just top-line revenue growth; our bottom line has grown even faster – more than tripling over the last year!

We are well on target to hit the $3 million revenue mark during the next year. With all the skills we’ve learned and support from our fellow Producers Club members, I’m certain we’ll top the $7 million mark within five years and be well on our way to a self-sustaining business that can run without us!