Greg Brainerd

, Owner/Sales Manager, Braintek,

After Joining, We Added An Impressive $63K In New Monthly Recurring Revenue

“Joining the new sales training group was a game-changer for my company. As a Sales Manager at Braintek for the past 20 years, I’ve faced numerous challenges in building and managing a successful sales team. Previous attempts at hiring salespeople often ended in failure, with a lack of proper training and understanding of how to guide them to profitability.

Having attended sales trainings in the past, I realized the need for a more tailored approach to our industry. This program has provided valuable insights into running effective sales meetings, compensating sales teams and holding them accountable. The weekly accountability meetings, guided by our coaches Sitima Fowler, Ray Green and the peer group, have been instrumental in keeping us on track.

The focus on understanding our team’s expectations, setting quotas for activities and sales goals and addressing challenges has been invaluable. The group’s support has not only helped us answer crucial questions but has also enhanced our sales techniques. Utilizing new strategies has allowed us to differentiate our company and better connect with prospects.

Applying these techniques has translated into tangible results. After joining, we added an impressive $63K in new Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)!

I am confident that the skills learned in this group will continue to drive our success. With plans to add another salesperson, I am excited about the continued growth and prosperity ahead. This training is not just a generic sales program; it’s specific to our industry, making it a standout choice for anyone in the managed services sector.”