Elan Jones

, Director Of Business Development, eCreek Solutions,

Membership Opportunities Transformed Our MSP Sales, Boosting MRR By $17,084

“Reflecting on my first year selling MSP services, it was a challenging journey. I managed to sell only $4,166 worth of RMM from new customers in seven months, with a discouraging close rate of around 10%. After attending Boot Camp and joining the Producers Club, we witnessed a significant transformation. Our MRR sales surged by $17,084 in the same seven-month period, and our close rate improved to 21.8%, closing 24 out of 110 discovery calls.

This success, however, wasn’t enough. We needed a catalyst, a spark to propel us further. Doubling down on our efforts to refine our process, I joined the MSP Sales Champion group. The camaraderie and success stories of others in the group instilled the confidence that I too could achieve similar results.

In the initial weeks, I honed my confidence through role-plays and gained unique approaches for challenging prospects. I learned the importance of a thorough discovery call process, steering away from pushing product features and focusing more on understanding the prospect’s pain points.

Delving deep into core issues and showcasing how our services could solve problems became the key. When facing objections, the collective wisdom of the group provided creative solutions I hadn’t considered. The group dynamic empowered me to overcome objections and refine my proposals, making them tailored to each prospect’s pain points.

The journey with the Sales Champion Group has been immensely fulfilling. Our business has grown, allowing us to hire more people and support others in our community with our expertise. While my experience with the group is just beginning, the tried-and-true sales process has already yielded great success. Understanding why deals didn’t close and gaining insights from a fantastic group of individuals has been one of the most valuable aspects of this journey.”