Brandon Bowers

, ZenTek Data Systems,

Today We Are In A Much Better Place For GROWTH And SCALE Than We’ve Ever Been Before

Of all of Robin’s marketing, the Aspirin Campaign has been one of our best-executed campaigns. With a newly scrubbed list, we generated eight leads, four appointments, one closed deal and one pending contract. From our online marketing, which includes Google AdWords, search engine optimization and LinkedIn prospecting, we’ve sat 10 appointments, from which we closed three deals!

We are now in a much better place for growth and scale than we have ever been before. Since attending Robin’s workshop and focusing more time on executing, we’ve hit our monthly recurring revenue goals that we were just NEVER hitting before. Our old target was typically $4,000 to $5,000 in additional MRR. Wanting to challenge our results, we shot for $7,500 in MRR and were able to achieve this!