Bob Bolte

, Senior Business Development Manager, Kloud9IT,

MSP Sales Champions Transformed Our Business, Resulting In A 33% Increase And Building A More Respected MSP

“Before joining the MSP Sales Champions group, my experience at Kloud9IT had been successful, but I sensed the need for improvement. Dealing with numerous deals, especially smaller accounts, demanded significant attention. I was eager to sell every opportunity, sometimes neglecting to assess if it truly aligned with Kloud9IT’s best interests. In the previous year, I closed 39 deals with an MRR of $40,846.75, averaging $1,047.35 per deal, and a closing rate of 26%. All deals were on 3-year terms, totaling $1,470,483 in contract value.

Initially skeptical about what more I could learn after years in technology sales, I decided to give MSP Sales Champions a chance. The introduction of sales strategies, processes, and the concept of ‘diagnosing’ situations like a doctor caught my attention. As my engagement increased, I began to see a shift in my approach.

The transformation was evident in my sales statistics. I closed 25 deals with an MRR of $60,934, averaging $2,437 per deal, and a 31.6% close rate. Opening 79 opportunities, I increased my deal size by 43%, all on three-year terms, resulting in a total contract value of $2,193,264. My newfound ability to assess the suitability of business engagements for Kloud9IT contributed to a 33% increase over the previous year.

Listening and actively participating in the MSP Sales Champions group not only gave me valuable insights but also translated into a substantial annual raise. Beyond personal success, it has played a pivotal role in building Kloud9IT into a more respected and recognized MSP in the industry.”