Andy Strouse

Chief Operating Officer, IntermixIT,

Producers Club Peer Group Helped Revenue Catapult 67% In Just 2 Years!

I remember (not too long ago) when the hours I invested into the business were 65+ per week and my salary was similar to that of a recent high school graduate. We struggled for years with low-margin, break-fix clients who demanded long hours. We saw the need for something to change and stepped up our game, which for us started by joining the Robin Robins’ Producers Club.

We quickly saw things in a new perspective and became HUNGRY to get to the next levels. And we absolutely did … In just two years, we realized a 67% GROWTH in revenue! Since joining Robin’s program, the marketing materials, events, motivational speakers and most importantly our accountability peer group have been instrumental to keeping our heads in the right space so we can CRUSH through the new ceilings that come with growth.