unique selling proposition

Get Control of Where You Are Spending Your Time

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

New Year’s Resolution #6: GET CONTROL OF WHERE YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR TIME. The last Master Mind Call was on the topic of planning and prioritizing where you spend your time for maximum productivity. If you were on this call (and all of you should have either been on the call or listened to the recording by now), you should …

unique selling proposition

Using Testimonials in Your Marketing

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

The single biggest marketing mistake I see on a regular basis is lack of testimonials or other proof. Get this straight: none of the prospects you market to have any reason to believe a word of what you are saying. As far as they are concerned, you are just like all of the other average businesses out there that screw …

unique selling proposition

How To Get Your Competition Fired Without Slandering Them Or Cutting Your Prices

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Since I’ve started taking about objections, I want to spend some time talking about a big, common, objection that you most certainly trip over on a daily basis: “I’ve already got someone just like you supporting my network.” Good marketing is not just about selling the benefits of outsourcing IT support. If you are correctly targeting the right types of …

unique selling proposition

Technology Marketing Tool Kit

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Powerful Field-Tested Marketing Strategies To Generate More Sales Opportunities, Close More Business, And Make More Money In Your Technology Service Business. Old, dumb joke: In Arkansas, what does a tornado and a divorce have in common? Somebody’s about to lose a mobile home. So what does the recent outbreak of Hurricanes in Florida have to do with marketing? Somebody’s about …

unique selling proposition

7 Ways To Ruin A Perfectly Good Marketing Campaign

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

In any given month, I review and revise a pile of marketing campaigns sent to me by my Members and Technology Marketing Tool Kit buyers. Although there is never a shortage of ways to screw up a marketing campaign, there are a handful of mistakes that are made more frequently than others. They are so rampant that my guess is …

unique selling proposition

14 Critical Things To Look For, Do, And Test Before Sending Out ANY Direct Marketing Campaign

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

Over the last month I performed a number of Marketing Piece Makeovers for clients and new Master Mind Members that reminded me just how difficult it can be for a fledgling direct marketer to”see” the flaws in a marketing campaign. I’ve been doing this for so long that my mind works like a heat seeking missile instantly spotting missing or …

unique selling proposition

Fueling Word Of Mouth Advertising

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

I don’t care what type of business you are in, there is no better sales lead than a referral from a satisfied customer. Yet most businesses and sales people take referrals for granted. They are grateful for the ones they get but very few have a plan for generating them. Like any other sales or marketing you are doing, having …

unique selling proposition

How To Charge For Your Services

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

I have found that charging a fixed monthly support fee per device supported and services performed is the easiest way to sell a support agreement. First, a flat rate makes it easy for the customer to understand and budget for your services. Second, it prevents “scope creep”. Third, it focuses your customer on value instead of price and allows you …

unique selling proposition

The Secret To Winning Appointments With Key Decision Makers

Robin RobinsIT Managed Services

“Hello Miss Robins? My name is George and I’m calling from Acme Financial Services. We offer 401K and retirement plans for small businesses and I was wondering if you would be available sometime this week for me to sit down and talk to you about offering these benefits to your employees. Would that be ok?” How many times have you …