Secrets To Hiring A Top-Performing Tech And Operations Team

Mike BazaarMSP Marketing

Hiring is one of the most crucial tasks we undertake, yet it’s also one of our least favorite. Why? Because we often struggle with it. It’s incredibly challenging to predict how well someone will perform based on a few interactions. I’ve seen it all, like employees who seemed perfect during the interview but ended up causing more harm than good. Let me share some insights on how to navigate this difficult process and build a top-performing tech and operations team.

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Understanding The Challenges Of Hiring

Hiring is hard. Let’s face it: predicting a candidate’s future performance based on a few conversations is like trying to forecast the weather a month in advance. You can get a general sense, but the specifics can be elusive. For instance, we once hired someone who seemed ideal. He interviewed well, had a great resume, and appeared to have the right attitude. However, within a few weeks, we noticed issues—he was forgetful, missed important details, and struggled with customer interactions.

This is a common story in the hiring world. No candidate will admit in an interview that they struggle with certain tasks or have a habit of forgetting important details. It’s not something you can easily screen for. The real challenge lies in identifying these potential pitfalls before they become a problem.

One of the critical aspects we focus on is trainability. We’ve learned to assess whether candidates can learn and adapt quickly. This is more crucial than having all the technical skills upfront. Customer service skills are another area we prioritize. Technical expertise can be taught, but a natural inclination towards excellent customer service is harder to instill.

Another challenge is the emotional toll of hiring. The frustration of making a bad hire can be significant. Not only is it a financial burden, but it also affects team morale and customer satisfaction. It’s a cycle we all want to avoid, yet it happens too often because we rush the process or lack a structured approach.

Building A Solid Hiring Process

To overcome these challenges, building a solid hiring process is essential. This process should be thorough and deliberate, not rushed or reactive. Here’s how we’ve structured ours at Bazar Solutions.

Step 1: Define The Need

Before we even think about posting a job, we take a step back to understand the actual need. What role are we trying to fill, and why? This involves looking at our current team and identifying gaps. Are we replacing someone, or is this a new position? What skills and traits are necessary for this role? This analysis helps us avoid the trap of hiring out of urgency and ensures we’re clear on what we need.

Step 2: Develop A Multi-Step Interview Process

Many companies make hiring decisions based on one or two interviews. This is risky. We’ve implemented a multi-step process that includes several rounds of interviews, skills assessments, and cultural fit evaluations. This might seem extensive, but it’s crucial. The more we interact with a candidate, the better we understand them.

Our process typically includes:

  • Initial Screening: A preliminary interview to gauge basic qualifications and fit.
  • Technical Assessment: Depending on the role, this could be a practical test or a series of technical questions.
  • Cultural Fit Interview: An interview focused on understanding the candidate’s values, work style, and how they might fit within our team.
  • Peer Interviews: Current team members interview the candidate to provide additional perspectives.
  • Final Interview: A comprehensive discussion to address any remaining questions and ensure alignment on expectations.

Step 3: Evaluate Trainability And Customer Service Skills

During the interview process, we assess trainability and customer service aptitude. We ask questions that reveal how candidates learn new information and handle difficult situations with customers. Role-playing scenarios can be particularly effective in evaluating these skills.

Step 4: Make The Offer With Clarity

When we extend an offer, we’re transparent about what the role entails and the potential career path. We outline the training and development opportunities available and set clear expectations. This helps in building trust and ensures that the candidate is fully aware of what to expect.

Step 5: Onboarding And Continuous Feedback

Hiring doesn’t end once the offer is accepted. Onboarding is a critical phase where we ensure the new hire is integrated smoothly into the team. We provide them with the necessary tools and resources from day one. Continuous feedback during the initial months helps in addressing any issues early on and supports their growth.

By following these steps, we’ve significantly improved our hiring process. It’s not about eliminating all risks, but about minimizing them and making informed decisions. This structured approach helps us find candidates who are not only technically capable but also a good fit for our team culture.

In summary, thoughtful hiring and a structured process are key to building a top-performing team. By understanding the challenges and developing a comprehensive hiring strategy, you can make better hiring decisions and create a strong, cohesive team. Let’s take these steps together and transform your hiring process for the better.

Creating A Career Path For Employees

Upward mobility is crucial. Employees need to feel like they have a future within your company. If they see no opportunity for advancement, they will eventually leave. Promote from within whenever possible. For instance, if a mid-level engineer leaves, consider promoting an entry-level employee who has been performing well. This not only fills the role but also motivates your team by showing that there are growth opportunities.

When hiring, be honest with candidates about their potential career path. We tell new hires that we expect them to stay with us for two to four years. During this time, we invest in their training and development. If they choose to move on after that, we support their decision. This honesty helps build trust and sets clear expectations.

Effective Team Building And Retention

Building a structured team is essential. We’ve adopted an “inverted pyramid” approach where we hire more entry-level techs and fewer high-level engineers. This creates a scalable and profitable team structure. High-level engineers are expensive and hard to manage in large numbers, whereas a larger base of entry-level techs allows for growth and development within the team.

Upward mobility is challenging in small companies, but it’s crucial for retention. Even if you’re a small company, create opportunities for growth. Involve your team in the hiring process by asking them what skills are needed and who fits the roles best. This inclusivity fosters a sense of ownership and investment in the company’s success.

Continuous Improvement And Documentation

Documentation, standardization, and automation are key to a well-functioning team. We created a SharePoint site with links to all the tools and dashboards our new hires need. This simple step makes onboarding smoother and helps new employees feel more useful right away.

Always seek feedback from your team on how to improve the onboarding process. Small changes, like having all necessary tools readily accessible, can make a big difference. Once new hires are up to speed, involve them in standardizing and documenting processes. This not only helps them learn but also improves the overall efficiency of your team.


In summary, thoughtful hiring, providing career growth opportunities, and continuous improvement are essential for building a top-performing tech and operations team. Avoid knee-jerk hiring decisions and take the time to thoroughly vet candidates. Create clear career paths and invest in your employees’ growth. Always strive to improve your processes and involve your team in these efforts.

By adopting these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to building a team that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Let’s take these steps together and transform your hiring process for the better.

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