From Struggling MSP To $28,393 In New MRR And $431,934 Top-Line

Gary Monick & Jacqui MagnesGenius of the Month

Fourteen years ago, I, Gary Monck, partnered with a friend who owned a smaller MSP to establish CISPOINT. Like most of the people in the industry, we were great techs but knew little about marketing and growing a business. Running on referrals only, we would accidentally bump into a customer every now and then. Candidly, we were just a couple …

Rightsizing Our Client Base And Aggressively Running Marketing Campaigns Added $165,060 In Annual Recurring Revenue!

Stuart BryanGenius of the Month

Twenty-one years ago, my father and I started I-M Technology in Connecticut. About a decade ago, the business had been flat for five years straight. At the time, we simply had a dialer but didn’t implement any real marketing. I knew that in order to grow the business, I really needed to figure out how to get our message and …

kirby watson genius of the month

How We Transformed An MSP Losing $446,000 A Year To Add 10 PROFITABLE New Clients And $10,874 In New MRR, Setting Us On Pace To Hit $2.4 Million This Year

Kirby WatsonGenius of the Month

A few years back, I was working for an MSP and built their sales department, but when that MSP went bankrupt and was sold, the company buying them out asked me to run the business. That’s how Aligned Tek got started three years ago in Birmingham, Alabama, and I took over as the president of what I would discover was …

stephen cracknell genius of the month

As A Result Of TMT Best Practices, We’ve Added FIVE New Mid-Market Clients And $34,525 In NEW MRR And Grew Year-Over-Year Revenue By 33%!

Stephen CracknellGenius of the Month

It’s rare to start a business that merges both your own passion and your spouse’s passion. In 2010, that’s exactly what we did. My wife’s background in health care and my knowledge of solving IT issues came together to form US Medical IT, providing IT support for the medical community of the Dallas–Fort Worth area. Hungry for more clients and …

How I Increased Revenue By $372,456 And Profits By $303,841 In 11 Months To Earn A Better-Your-Best Finalist Status! 

Tommy ThorntonGenius of the Month

Two years ago, we went from January to May without taking on any new customers. To my surprise, my office manager and I discovered Robin Robins on the same day. We were both watching her YouTube videos. That very evening, I contacted Technology Marketing Toolkit and signed up for Accelerators Club and Rapid Implementation Workshop.

Konrad Martin - Genius of the Month

After Losing $80K In MRR From Client Mergers,
I Used My Authority To Add $164,000 In New MRR And $303,841 In Profit To Become A Top 5
Better-Your-Best Finalist!

Konrad MartinGenius of the Month Leave a Comment

Staring at losing nearly $1M of revenue, I was shitting bricks. The ship was going down, and I had no clue what to do. Then I remembered how Technology Marketing Toolkit, Robin’s marketing campaigns and my Accountability Group had bailed us out before. I looked at my twin brother and said, “Give me something to sell!” Between the two of us, we created a far more robust security stack and compliance plan that we would present to our clients. But how?

jay hill genius of the month

After Running My Break-Fix For 20 Years, I Added $118,659 In MRR And $769,611 In Revenue To Become A Top 5 “Better Your Best” Finalist 

Jay HillGenius of the Month

I started Network Providers 23 years ago with just two clients and big dreams. Relying on my exceptional service to grow my business, I ignored marketing. About eight years ago, I got the itch to grow. So, I did what a lot of IT owners who shun marketing do. I hired a salesperson. In two full years, that salesperson added just ONE new client. It was the most expensive lesson I ever learned.