Frequently Asked Questions
A: If you need a comprehensive marketing plan for your IT business to attract more clients, start with the Toolkit. If you already have a solid client base and want to switch to an MSP model, start with the Million-Dollar Managed Services Blueprint.
The Toolkit has more general marketing templates and sales letters, as well as systems for fueling referrals, capturing raving fan client testimonials and case studies, newsletter marketing, online marketing campaigns, ads, sales scripts, seminar marketing, AND a (small) section on managed services. The Million-Dollar Managed Services Blueprint is a step by step process for launching (and marketing) managed services, period.
A: The Toolkit was designed specifically for IT services firms that sell any combination of managed IT services, IT projects, cloud solutions and services, network upgrades, phone systems and break-fix services. Companies selling application development, print services, web designers, system builders, and computer training firms can certainly benefit as well and many of our clients sell these services as well.
A: On several occasions, I have encountered small technology firms that are really struggling to make ends meet. It’s almost tragic to hear their stories about how poorly they are doing. Funny thing is, these same people are the ones who resist to the bitter end when it comes to feeding their minds by investing in learning programs, seminars, or information products like my Toolkit System – even though they are the ones that need it the MOST.
They think, “If I was doing better financially and in my business, I would have no problem investing some money into this kind of program.” But the truth is, successful people and businesses earn big profits because they invest in learning and growing their business; not the other way around.
This principle is true in the IT industry as well as every other field or endeavor. You will be hard pressed to find top business owners or professionals that don’t regularly invest in feeding their minds through coaching, information products, books, and seminars.
Now I bet you are thinking, “Of course you would say that Robin, you’re trying to sell me something!” Yes, I am trying to sell you something, but that doesn’t make my observation false. Besides, I’m also trying to help you. Bottom line: If your business is doing so poorly that you cannot afford the Toolkit or if you are so busy chasing your tail working IN your business instead of working ON your business, then that is all the more reason you need to enroll today.
A: That is a valid concern; however, I know a LOT of technology business owners that are waiting for the “right” time to get started on marketing their business. Know what? The “right” time NEVER comes along because there is always some project, problem, or issue that takes up your time and attention.
If you wait around for the “perfect” time to come along, you’ll spin your wheels for months, maybe even YEARS making zero headway and so caught up in working IN your business that you never take time to work ON your business. The process of attracting new, profitable clients is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing for any business because most of your stress, problems, and anxiety come from NOT having enough money.
A: First of all, I’ve NEVER had anyone tell me they mailed one of my campaigns and received complaints from the recipients that they had already seen that campaign. This is probably for a couple of reasons:
- There are over 100 different letters, campaigns, and strategies in the program. The chances of someone in your area mailing the exact same letter, to the exact same list, at the exact same time are extremely low. Besides, your prospects are not studying your marketing or the marketing of your competition and probably won’t notice the same way YOU would.
- While I do provide a number of done-for-you templates, I sincerely hope that you don’t only use one letter and ignore the carefully tested and articulated strategies for developing a USP (unique selling proposition), picking profitable target markets, creating killer testimonials, fueling referrals, using strategic case studies to niche your services, and developing your own unique offers to pull new clients in like bees to honey on a warm day. I also cover how to buy high-response lists, how to implement web marketing strategies, how develop strategic partnerships, and how to put an iron gate around your clients to lock them in for life. Your competition should NOT be able to copy your USP, experience, testimonials, and you should be able to beat them to new business through strategic joint venture marketing – all of which I teach in the program.
- Your biggest worry should not be whether or not your competition is sending the same letter campaign; your biggest concern should be that you currently don’t have a marketing plan in place, and probably don’t know the first place to start. That is a MUCH bigger threat to your business and financial security than your competition sending out the same flyer. I would suggest that you would be far better to stay clear and focused on your objectives and making sure YOU are forming the right habits, studying the right materials, and consistently working on building a marketing system in your business; do that and success will surely follow. There is a greater danger in NOT doing these things than anything your competition could do.
- Finally, if your competition IS using my program, wouldn’t it be worth seeing what they are up to?
A: The Toolkit was primarily designed for computer consulting firms who provide network support, installation, integration, and management services. However, companies who do not fit that exact criteria have purchased the Toolkit and find it valuable to building a marketing system. I don’t pursue testimonials from these companies because they are not my primary focus. BUT, the process outlined in the Toolkit for building a marketing system is the SAME regardless of what you are selling or who you are selling it to. The only disconnect will be in the examples and the templates; obviously those will need to be modified.
Some people can see beyond this and acquire a tremendous amount of value from the process and systems for marketing that I teach. After all, the process for picking profitable target markets, crafting a compelling marketing message, lead generation, risk reversal, gathering testimonials and case studies, building web site that sell, and fueling referrals is exactly the same for ALL companies. Since all of that (plus more) is covered in the Toolkit, any business owner trying to attract new clients on a small budget can benefit from the systems and processes outlined in the program.
Others need to be given examples specific to their business, their customers, and their situation before they “see” the value and simply can’t (or won’t) apply the strategies outlined in the Toolkit. If you feel that the content is not relevant to you, or if you are unhappy for any reason, you can return it to my office within one year of your purchase for a full refund.