What Our Clients In The Netherlands Have To Say

What Our Clients In The Netherlands Have To Say

Even In The Netherlands, Robin’s Marketing Delivers RESULTS — Our Profits Climbed 79% With A EUR 9k Increase In MRR!

Translating Robin Robins’ Toolkit and instruction into Dutch, we built a new website, introduced a CRM system, did regular social media posts, added testimonials and met with our clients each quarter. After attending the Rapid Implementation Workshop in London, working with coaches and getting genuine help from fellow entrepreneurs for 12 weeks, it suddenly hit me: marketing in the Netherlands is no different than marketing in America!

And just like in America, Robin’s marketing delivers RESULTS! We closed Q1 by increasing our monthly recurring revenue by EUR 9k as well as EUR 35k in new project work. Even more important, we increased profit over last year by 60% with a 79% profit increase in Q1! These additional profits allowed me to give our staff a raise of EUR 500 a month, enabled me to pay off my house, and I even bought myself a new Audi S6!

Peter van der Linden

Peter van der Linden

Trots IT

By “Robin-izing” Our Marketing DURING The Lockdown In The Netherlands, We Added €5.000 In New MRR!

I thought my IT business was doing great. Then I had a bit of a wake-up call when I lost two of my biggest customers representing 40% of my revenue. I even had to let two of my technicians go! When we attended DattoCon in Paris, the last session was a red-haired lady named Robin Robins. She talked about getting qualified leads and clients, and boy was it interesting… and we signed up for the Technology Marketing Toolkit right there!

We got real results from Robin’s FIRST cross-sell campaign: €3.000 in project revenue and €1.200 in new monthly recurring revenue! Next, we attended her Rapid Implementation Workshop in London. The whole experience was great because we met with fellow MSPs, were forced to think about what makes us unique and got rid of the head trash that prevented us from growing!

Suddenly, the lockdown related to the “C-word” in the Netherlands had a serious impact on our small team. But because we changed our mindset and continued marketing, we added €1.200 in MRR the first month and €1.300 the second month simply by finding a way to “sell” our muchneeded price adjustment. By having our marketing “Robin-ized,” we added €5.000 in new MRR and have a proposal out for a €10.000 project!

Alexander in ‘t Veld

Alexander in ‘t Veld

AIV Automatisering


Important! Please do NOT assume that by sharing these client success stories with you we are guaranteeing or even implying that you will get the same results in your business by enrolling in our programs and buying our services. NO ONE can guarantee you results; after all, how can we (or anyone else) possibly make that promise if we don’t even know you or anything about your business? The testimonials provided below were given to us by successful clients and are simply their personal expressions of their experience of working with us. Not every client gets these results. YOUR results are dependent on a number of factors that are completely outside our control, including your work ethic, ability to implement properly, your relationship with your clients, your reputation, pricing structure, competition and about 100 other factors. You should also know that our programs and methods are NOT “easy” or simple. BEING SUCCESSFUL AND PROFITABLE IN BUSINESS IS HARD WORK, which is what we’re all about. If you are looking for a simple and easy route — rather than putting in the necessary hard work — please find another company to work with.