What Our Clients In Canada Have To Say

What Our Clients In Canada Have To Say

My Wife Wasn’t Quite Onboard Robin’s Marketing Train – ‘Why Are You Wasting Money On This Gimmicky Crap?’ That Is, Until I Grew My Business By 50% In One Year

My lovely wife expressed a little concern when I signed up for Robin’s Toolkit: ‘Why are you wasting money on that crap? You need to get more clients, not waste your time and money on gimmicky stuff like that!’ Still, I persisted despite my wife’s objections because I knew the only person who could make me successful was myself, and to accomplish that I needed to create a marketing and sales engine.

I started this journey as a one-man IT shop. To keep up with the new projects and clients, I now have a part-time tech who will soon become full-time. As of August of this year, I have already made more revenue than I did ALL of last year! And there is still Q4 to come! I expect to close this year with a 50% increase in revenue. Now my wife realizes how Robin’s proven sales and marketing strategies can transform a one-man IT shop into a successful MSP!

Lee Darke

Lee Darke


Last Year I Finally Broke Free Of Being A One-Man Band, Adding 2 Employees And Increasing Our Net Profit By 256%!

Our business had hit a ceiling of generating just over $200,000 in revenue per year. Once we decided to invest in both the Toolkit and the Managed Services Blueprint we increased our profitability by 256% and added two full-time employees to take some of the workload off of me. Our secret is probably the same secret that most other successful MSPs have discovered: there is no one thing that will allow you to grow. Consistently marketing to our prospects along with being committed to implementing and building upon marketing and business basics, WILL result in success."

Scott Beck

Scott Beck


Having A Solid Marketing Plan In Place Saved Me From Total Financial Devastation And Closing Our Doors When The Calgary Economy Tanked

I used to brag about how we ‘don’t need marketing’ because all our growth was organic through referrals; now I can see that attitude significantly limited our growth and earning potential. We would get 10 to 12 leads per year and close most of them; however, we weren’t acquiring enough new business to offset client churn, and our company was stagnant. Enter Robin…

We did so many campaigns in the first six months that it still astonishes me – and the positive change wasn’t just on the sales and marketing side. We made changes to the entire business, from operations to hiring to service delivery.

Then the Calgary economy suddenly crashed. We abruptly lost over $28,000 of MRR. It was a HUGE disaster for our local economy, and panic set in as many clients starting shrinking fast. One of our clients went from 125 employees to seven almost overnight. Other clients came to us begging for huge reductions in monthly spend. We even had a few clients give up and declare bankruptcy.

But thanks to the support of my accountability group and Robin pushing us, I continued to do marketing. We only implemented six Marketing Oil Wells, but those campaigns generated 125 leads and (to date) 25 new customers in just 12 months, with more projected to close. Thank goodness I had transformed into a sales-focused CEO rather than a tech- and operations-minded CEO; I know that change saved us from disaster when the economy tanked. While other IT firms were closing their doors, our revenues grew from $2.2 million to $2.9 million (a 33% increase) last year, and our net profit more than doubled. We got to work like never before, and it has paid off with huge dividends!

Vincent Fung

Vincent Fung

Expera Information Technology Inc.

Translating Robin’s Marketing To French Is Worth The Extra Time, Because Our Very First Marketing Campaign Brought In A New Client Worth $1,805 CAD A Month!

When I got back to the office after Boot Camp, I was hungry to send out one campaign…ANY campaign! So I sent out our first batch of Robin’s Aspirin campaign letter to our list. And that’s when the magic happened! Just two days later, I received a call from a prospect actively looking to change his IT supplier, and he loved the letter! Shortly after, we SIGNED HIM as a new client! And we landed another new MSP client a little while later! By attending Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop, we completed a ton of marketing that started generating results, such as adding one new MSP customer worth $1,805 CAD in MRR, which totals $60K CAD over three years. Two new customers took advantage of our dark web scan for a total of $190 CAD in new MRR. Plus, our sales pipeline is bursting at the seams with potential business of $7K CAD per month, $1,800 CAD per month and referral opportunities worth $4K to $5K in MRR!"

Steve Dion

Steve Dion


We Are Adding 4 New Employees Just To Keep Up With The New Business Demand!

I’ve recently landed a $200K project plus six months of post-implementation support. To keep up with the demand of new business, I have added a full-time consultant and full-time contractor to my team this month. Plus, I have a marketing person starting next week and another full-time consultant starting next month. I am finally shifting my focus from working IN the business to working ON the business and making the leap from tech work to business development. I feel like I just started my business this month, and I was suffering an entrepreneurial seizure for years before!

By joining Robin, we have gained substantial confidence, tools, techniques, mentors, as well as people around me who are willing to help us. It is very difficult to find this type of selfless group who are motivated to grow and help one another. I feel I am blessed that I found Robin and her team. This is the best thing to happen to us this year!

Devinder Sohi

Devinder Sohi

Astral Solutions Group

This Single Experience Has Unequivocally Transformed Our Business

After attending Robin’s Rapid Implementation Workshop, in the past 90 days, I have endeavored to change everything, from how we structure our operations to who we market to and how we market to them. Today, we have a clearly defined target market. Our sales team has very specific goals that constantly evolve. We answer our phones live, have sent out multiple marketing campaigns, launched a referral campaign and we held multiple quarterly business reviews with clients, which resulted in $4,130 in monthly managed services revenue, $22,877 in hardware sales and $6,250 in project consulting revenue – all in just 90 days!

I genuinely feel that we are a different company than we were prior to Robin’s workshop. In many ways, EVERYTHING has changed. Every area of our business has been touched and influenced by this experience. We now have a clear direction and purpose. Thanks to Robin, the Technology Marketing Toolkit team and my colleagues from my Rapid Implementation Workshop for the experience and transformation. It has unequivocally changed our business.

Dave Mason

Dave Mason

Shift IT Solutions, Inc.

One Major Reason Why We Achieved A 75% Growth — From $3.7 Million To $6.5 Million — Was Robin Robins

When I reflect on my time going through Robin Robins’ Rapid Implementation Workshop, one word comes to mind: Rejuvenated. Debian Information Technology — now Expera — has been a long-time member of the Technology Marketing Toolkit Producers Club. As their outside sales rep for four years now, I have taken what I’ve learned from Robin to help us increase our annual revenue from $3.7 million to $6.5 million — that’s a 75% GROWTH!"

Ciaran Hogan

Ciaran Hogan

Vice President, Expera Powered By Debian IT

By Finally Turning Prospects Into Leads And Leads Into New Clients, We Added $18,000 In MRR And $45,000 In Projects In Just 90 Days!

While Keeran Networks has always been an IT powerhouse in the city of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada, we went through a nine-month period without bringing on a single new customer. We identified the reasons: we had no lead generation system, leads weren’t being followed up on and sales were getting lost in the pipeline.

Our CEO, Rishi Patel, hired me to dust off the Technology Marketing Toolkit and start implementing what’s inside. After attending Robin Robins’ Rapid Implementation Workshop, we had a critical mindset shift. We immediately became marketers by identifying and targeting the right market, crafting our USP, improving our website, answering our phones live, sending direct mail and more.

While our new marketing initiatives built our foundation by generating more leads, Robin’s training taught us how to successfully manage a sales pipeline. By constantly communicating with prospects, following up by phone and e-mail, and by offering valuable network assessments for free, we have added $18,000 in monthly revenue and $45,000 in new projects in just 90 days!"

Liam Scott

Liam Scott

Keeran Networks

Revenues Up 92%, Monthly Recurring Revenues Up 90%, Profit Up 655%

After shrinking from over $1 million in sales per year just 10 years ago to only $350,000 in sales in 2016, I had to dip into my retirement savings just to pay the bills. Something had to change. I’m pleased and proud to say that today, thanks to TMT, my Accountability Group and a lot of hard work, our sales nearly doubled last year and our profits are up eightfold!"

Ted Shafran

Ted Shafran


Just 2 Of Robin’s Strategies Have Added More Than $12,000 In MRR To Our Business. For Every $14.85 We Spend On Marketing, We’re Bringing In $66 In Revenue. Thanks, Robin!

My company, NeoLore Networks, Inc., has been in business 14 years here. We’ve grown from a start-up business to doing $2 million in revenue with 12 employees. We purchased the Toolkit because growth was flat; we had no marketing systems, no consistency in our sales funnel and no plan for how we were going to fuel MRR.

It took me a while to crack the Toolkit open, but once I did, it took me less than a year to decide to join the Producers Club. After hitting the glass ceiling at $70,000 of MRR, I decided to focus on two main initiatives in my marketing to try and break through. One was Google AdWords, the second was the ‘Bad Date’ sales letter campaign. These two marketing campaigns alone have propelled my business forward to marketing success.

I kept on hearing about the Bad Date letter since I had purchased the Toolkit. Finally, I got over my misgivings and put the exact content into a design that I was comfortable sending. We got a 2% response rate out of the 1,265 prospects that we targeted.

We have worked hard to systematize this campaign and we continue to plan new mailings each month to new lists. From this one campaign, we have also built a strong verified list of 346 names that we can continue to market to. We plan on following the same approach to the Bad Date campaign with the three phases and phone calls in between.

The results of this campaign so far have netted us over $12,000 per month in new MRR (that’s $432,000 in total contract value, based on 3-year contracts). This campaign, along with the Google AdWords leads, has kept our funnel full for the last year. We have more leads than we have ever had before in our business. For every $14.85 in marketing costs, we are now bringing in over $66 in revenue, based on the first year of sales alone. These results have turned me from a skeptic to a believer. We now have a very successful ‘marketing oil well’ that consistently brings in qualified leads, resuscitating our growth and allowing me to spend more time in growing the company rather than being the technician. Not only do I feel rejuvenated and reenergized, but the staff can sense the excitement of our growth, which further inspires them. Thank you, Robin!"

Jim Stackhouse

Jim Stackhouse

NeoLore Networks Inc.

Trust The Toolkit. It Will Do Its Magic, As It Has Done For Me

“With TMT’s Toolkit, I was able to more than double my existing business. Since signing up with TMT, the business has grown like wildfire. I’m very happy we were able to achieve a 108% increase in revenue. Once you join, you can jump in and use the tools and templates provided. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just choose one tool and implement.”

Divya Jain

Divya Jain

Owner, TeamLogic IT of Vancouver


Important! Please do NOT assume that by sharing these client success stories with you we are guaranteeing or even implying that you will get the same results in your business by enrolling in our programs and buying our services. NO ONE can guarantee you results; after all, how can we (or anyone else) possibly make that promise if we don’t even know you or anything about your business? The testimonials provided below were given to us by successful clients and are simply their personal expressions of their experience of working with us. Not every client gets these results. YOUR results are dependent on a number of factors that are completely outside our control, including your work ethic, ability to implement properly, your relationship with your clients, your reputation, pricing structure, competition and about 100 other factors. You should also know that our programs and methods are NOT “easy” or simple. BEING SUCCESSFUL AND PROFITABLE IN BUSINESS IS HARD WORK, which is what we’re all about. If you are looking for a simple and easy route — rather than putting in the necessary hard work — please find another company to work with.