The Single Most Effective Marketing And Sales-Generating System For VARs MSPs And IT Services Firms.
The Single Most Effective Marketing And Sales-Generating System For VARs, MSPs And IT Services Firms

Warning: “About 11% Of The People Who Have Enrolled In Our Program Are VERY Unhappy With Us”

Dear Friend,

Before you decide to enroll in this program, you should know that approximately 11% of the people who have enrolled in one or more of our programs have been VERY unhappy with us and their lack of results.

They thought I had a “magic bullet” that would solve all their marketing problems, flood their business new clients and make them rich with very little or no work on their side. To be clear, that's NOT what I can offer you here. More specifically:

  • I can't give you the “one thing” you should do to make a lot more money. There are actually several things you need to get right, which also include the quality of your work, how happy your customers are with you, your integrity and reputation in the marketplace, how you respond to opportunities, and your own personal work ethic.

  • This is NOT a “get rich quick” scheme, so don't expect overnight miracles. True, we have had clients experience very rapid surges of new clients and sales, but I would prefer that you approach this with conservative expectations and a commitment to long-term success in your business.

    If you want a magic bullet to getting rich, then I suggest you stay up late one night with your credit card in hand and enroll in one of the many schemes offered on the infomercials aired. Most of our clients see significant returns within 6 months, not 6 days. In the beginning, you will fail more than you will succeed; that's just a simple fact. Of course I'll be here to support you, unravel what went wrong and to help you readjust your course. But if you aren't willing to invest a little time and effort into making this work, then this is probably not the right program for you.

  • You will need to do some work to get a marketing system implemented, especially in the beginning. I'm not going to come to your office and do it for you. I'll show you exactly what to do and how to do it, I'll give you the templates and content you'll need, I'll teach you every short cut I know, and I'll clarify any questions you have -- but YOU have to do the work.

The main reason people don't have success with our program is because they are not willing to do anything. BUT -- the good news is that you don't have to implement every single idea I'm going to give you in order to be successful. If you talk to people who HAVE gotten great success with my program, they'll confess they've only used about 10% to 15% of the materials - BUT they DID SOMETHING.

I also want to point out that I fully expect you to be coming from ground zero with no sales or marketing experience to build on. That's okay. I can work with that. What I can't fix is sheer laziness, disorganization and deeply ingrained dysfunctional behaviors that are counterproductive to success.

Hopefully that's not you.

But if you are willing to take 30 to 45 minutes every day to work on your marketing, learn from your mistakes and give a few of the ideas a chance to work, I'm absolutely certain I can help you.

Click Here To Enroll Now

Dedicated to your success,
