The Single Most Effective Marketing And Sales-Generating System For VARs MSPs And IT Services Firms.
The Single Most Effective Marketing And Sales-Generating System For VARs, MSPs And IT Services Firms

What People Are Saying

Nathan Whittacre

From Marketing Newbies To $21,528
In MRR And 33 New Opportunities -
All In Just 90 Days!

“Most IT business owners unsuccessfully “dabble” in marketing. They send out a sales letter or postcard, get little or no results and then swear off direct mail. Later, they might test their luck with an ad in a trade publication or newspaper. Again, no results. Then they’re on to the next “shiny object” everyone is talking about... only to test it once and throw it away when the phones don’t ring. This was us... until we found Robin!

During the first 90 days of following Robin’s methodology and advice, we got 194 new leads and added $21,528. When all is said and done, those new contracts will equal $883,029 over 36 months! In addition, we’ve filled our pipeline with 33 opportunities that could produce an additional $38,699 in MRR!

A piece of advice from one IT guy to another... When it comes to Robin’s programs, take the leap and the net will appear. At first it really seems overwhelming, but once you dig in, suddenly your eyes open to things you never knew you could accomplish.”

Mat Zoglio Zog, Inc.

Nathan Whittacre

After Just 12 Weeks, We Added 20 Clients And $24,924 In Monthly Recurring Revenue

“For as long as I can remember, I wanted to run a technology company. I often joke that I must have missed the class in Computer Science School about how to actually run a business. I was practically forced to become a student of business through the school of hard knocks and by devouring tons of business books. Certain parts came easy to me, but not marketing and sales.

Like most every MSP on the planet, I was consistently receiving Robin’s marketing year after year. I’ll admit, I was initially turned off by her marketing and felt mine was working well enough... until I learned a new local competitor was cleaning my clock with the help of a certain redhead! So, I fired my current marketing firm, signed on with Technology Marketing Toolkit and headed to Boot Camp. I was so overwhelmingly impressed with everything I learned at Boot Camp, I decided to join the Accelerators Club and, shortly after, attended the Rapid Implementation Workshop.

In preparation for the workshop, we sent an e-mail blast for testimonials and received 35 responses. Immediately upon our arrival at the workshop, Robin asked us to send out a 9-word e-mail. We sent that e-mail to 82 lost or no-decision quotes from the prior year, so I expected crickets. I was shocked when we received nine replies, including one from a prospect we thought had moved on. That would equal $108,000 over their new three-year contract!

We closed 57 new customer agreements worth $24,924 in additional MRR. Our unique page views have increased 175% since April 2018. Plus, for the keywords ‘IT service Henderson,’ we are now ranked #1 on Google! Since implementing the new site, we have had three qualified leads come in through the contact form!

I feel like we are just getting below the tip of the iceberg. Over the last eight months, we have built a great team internally with training from Robin’s team. I am completely grateful for the depth of knowledge provided by Robin and the Technology Marketing Toolkit team to help MSPs like me to grow.”

Nathan Whittacre Stimulus Technologies

Steven John

A Leap Of Faith Across The Pond
Is Making Me The Marketing Expert
I Always Wanted To Be

"A leap of faith during a difficult time, both personally and professionally, led me across the pond to the Rapid Implementation Workshop. I had reached a point of desperation and knew I had to do something because my business, my team and my family were counting on me.

By applying the principles and actions mapped out in this program, I was able to build momentum. Slowly, I moved from a paralyzed state into a focused state where I ultimately achieved far more than I thought was possible.

One simple campaign brought us over 30 qualified testimonials of very happy customers and a competitive advantage for us to win new business. I have conducted QBRs with ease and moved 90% of our clients to our new Cyber Security Plan, 25 clients to our Comprehensive Plan (increasing turnover by £750 per month) and five clients to our Hybrid Model (increasing turnover by £9,205 per month).

Thanks to Robin and the Rapid Implementation Workshop, I am now laser-focused on marketing, sales and customer acquisition. Small shifts in my thinking have helped me stay 10 steps ahead of my competition and are making me the marketing expert I always wanted to be."

Steven John Sagari Ltd.

Sheryl Cherico

We Increased Our Revenue By $153,103 In Under 90 Days!

"I am a tech at heart and have been since I started working in the IT field in 1979. I used my experience to go out on my own in 2005, but after 12 years in business, growth stalled. I knew I could get it back on track, but I needed help to make that happen. Enter the Toolkit and Rapid Implementation Workshop.

I dove right in and sent out 12 e-mail requests for QBRs during the workshop. From those, we booked six appointments. During those six account reviews alone, we increased billing by $5,193 per month - $62,316 a year - plus $500 in new projects. I followed up after those reviews with a request for referrals, which led to two referrals and nearly $25,000 in MRR.

Robin's training has really opened my eyes to what is possible and all that I'd been missing in my business. I got the energy boost I needed, my team is providing amazing support and we now have a precise growth goal and, more importantly, the tools and accountability to get there."

Sheryl Cherico Tier3MD

Tom Breuer

From Skeptic To 85% Growth In Sales
In Under A Year

"A crisp dollar bill in the mail led me to open the Toolkit I'd had sitting on my shelf for five years. Initially, I wanted nothing to do with this program and was confident the contents would not resonate with our clients. Fortunately, my analytical side urged me to dig deeper and my research turned up hundreds of stunning testimonials from other MSPs. Before I knew it, this skeptic was signed up for the Rapid Implementation Workshop.

The first campaign I sent after the Workshop brought a response within five minutes that led to $15,000 in one-time sales plus $780 in MRR. My second campaign brought a long-time break-fix client into our top-tier Gold Managed Services Plan. Two more clients soon followed, increasing our MRR by $1,246.

After only five months, we have already increased our MRR by 27% and sales by 85% compared to this time last year. With each new success, my mindset shifts. Big, positive changes have happened in my company and I'm grateful to Robin, my Accountability Groups and my staff for making it possible."

Tom Breuer Computer Magic

Stefanie Groot

Our First 90 Days Of Marketing Generated $40,282 Of New MRR And $93,240 In
Project Work

"We have been in business for over 14 years and though we worked hard, we were quickly falling further into debt. Thankfully, that all changed when we went to work using Robin's program.

Before joining the Accelerators Club, our best year ever was the year we serviced 3,951 people/businesses, had eight employees and $450,000 in sales. To our amazement, at the end of last year, we surpassed that number with a total of three employees servicing seven managed clients. Our fourth quarter alone was 130% better than the same quarter the year before and our overall year-over-year increase was 31%. I can't thank Team Robin enough for all the help and support they've provided us. Thanks to all we learned at the Rapid Implementation Workshop and with the support of other Accelerators Club Members, we reached a company milestone with fewer employees, less clients and all within 90 days!"

Stefanie Groot Windstar

Damien Pepper

From $0 MRR To $10,000+ And
Growing Strong!

"I could sum up my first 21 years in business in just a few words... we had no ambition to grow. I was comfortable with my little business here in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, and although some would call us stagnant, my real hope each year was that we would achieve the same level of revenues as the year before. Well, that all changed when we bought the Toolkit!

We experienced a complete mind shift and massive growth when we discovered MRR. I made a decision to convert existing customers where we were patching servers for an hourly rate to a full managed service offering for monthly recurring revenue. On top of that, I began to close a handful of real MRR customers that we had taken from lead to close. I quickly found out that MRR was the key to my success - it's the revenue that keeps giving. By the beginning of last year, we had raised our MRR from $0 per month to $10,141 per month. A great start indeed!"

Damien Pepper DSP Electronics

Chris Hoose

We've Grown $2.3 Million In The Last
2 Years Alone!

"Through sheer hard work, I grew my IT services company to $323K in under two years - but my goal was to get to a million in revenue. So, I came to the conclusion that if I was going to get there, I'd have to buy revenue, and went into debt to fund a couple of acquisitions that I was certain would help us reach that million-dollar mark. After several we hit it, BUT all we had to show for it was a participation trophy. The ugly truth was that we were buying every customer. We had ZERO organic growth.

Then in November of the next year, the tide turned when we met a fiery redhead with everything Choose Networks needed to get people to listen to our managed services story - the Technology Marketing Toolkit.

It had taken us eight years to go from $300,000 to $2.3 million, but we had to buy all that growth through acquisitions that cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Yet after joining Producers Club just two years ago, we grew over $2 million in less than two years - with no new debt from an acquisition!

As of this January, we ONLY take clients under a managed services agreement and I'm beginning to see how Choose Networks will live on its own, without needing me for 'parental support.' We're projecting revenues of $4.8 million this year, and I think that's conservative; we could easily hit $5 million. The real cost of my past excuses was huge."

Chris Hoose Choose Networks

Jason McNew

Thanks To All We Have Learned From Robin, We Went From Non-Existent To Cash-Flow Positive In 10 Months Flat!

"Our company went from not existing; no website, no defined products or services, no customers, no anything; to being cash-flow positive in 10 months flat. That is a remarkable achievement, and we could not have done it without the guidance and training from Technology Marketing Toolkit."

Jason McNew Stronghold Cyber Security

Maria Partridge

After We Became Accelerators Members, We Increased Our MRR By $35,772 And Closed Another $26,192 In Projects

"When we started our company 6 years ago, we knew we needed marketing help, but weren't quite sold on Robin's approach. Eventually, we realized that sending a few e-mails, getting referrals and posting on Facebook weren't going to get us where we wanted to be. We decided to attend a few of Robin's trainings and finally made the commitment to REAL marketing by going all in and becoming Accelerators Members.

Since becoming members and attending the Rapid Implementation Workshop, we have consistently implemented marketing, conduct regular QBRs and continually look for cross-sell opportunities. As a result, we have increased our MMR by $35,772, up 15%, and in the last six months we have closed $26,192 in projects.

Our customers now see us as a valued partner. Needless to say, we are excited in the growth of what we affectionately refer as our baby.  Our frustration level has gone from 'when is it going to happen' to 'how do we get it all the work done.' Sometimes it feels like we are drinking out of a firehose, but with support from our accountability group and all the promise these campaigns bring, we will keep moving forward with anticipation for the good things ahead."

Maria Partridge Lotus Management Services