The Art Of Transforming Website Visitors Into Leads

Mike StodolaMSP Marketing

In the digital landscape, your website is more than just an online presence; it’s a pivotal tool in turning prospects into loyal customers. However, this transformation isn’t just about attracting more eyeballs; it’s about making every visit meaningful and every interaction count. Let me guide you through this journey, from understanding the core challenges to implementing strategies that work. Understanding …

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Robin’s 10 Strategies For Successfully Meeting Your Work And Life Goals

Robin RobinsMSP Marketing

Experiencing overwhelm is common, particularly given the ambitious goals many of us have set for our lives and businesses, with varying amounts of time available to dedicate to them. Here are 10 key strategies for transforming overwhelm into effective productivity, guiding you towards significant progress in your goals. 1. Results-Oriented Approach I always say, “Manage by results, not tasks.” What …

How To Master Your First MSP Discovery Meeting

Sitima Fowler and Ray GreenMSP Marketing

As an MSP owner, your first discovery meeting is a crucial step towards closing a deal. It’s more than a sales pitch; it’s a chance to establish trust, understand your prospect’s needs, and position your services as the solution they’ve been seeking. Let’s dive into how you can prepare for this pivotal meeting. Understand Your Prospect Thorough research about your …

How To Transform Your MSP By Prospecting The Right Way

Robin RobinsMSP Marketing

The story of Adam Spencer, CEO and founder of 911 IT, stands as a testament to the transformative power of targeted marketing and strategic growth. Just three and a half years ago, Adam faced the daunting challenge of high debt and meager annual revenues. Today, his company boasts a staggering $4 million turnover, a testament to his client acquisition strategies …

Robin’s 13 Rules For Successful Salespeople

Robin RobinsMSP Marketing

In the competitive world of sales, success is often defined by your ability to close deals and generate revenue. However, what sets apart truly exceptional salespeople is their adherence to certain key principles. These principles, which I like to call “Robin’s Rules for Salespeople,” are the cornerstone of effective and ethical selling. 1. Be Sold On Your Product To be …

Robert Christian

Kevin Connally

From Shutting Down Marketing To Fully Embracing It, We’ve Added 10 New Clients And Increased MRR By $33,633! “Since starting SymTec, we’ve always seen value in marketing. Problem was in finding the RIGHT marketer or agency. The marketing person we hired was basically a designer and didn’t deliver results. Then we tried a competitor MSP marketing program for two and …

Stephanie Cantu

Kevin Connally

Proof That Even A Telecom Company Can Generate Appointments, Leads And A $15,492 Contract With CONSISTENT Marketing “By regularly sending out Robin Robins’ direct mail campaigns, we’ve received SEVEN GOOD QUALITY LEADS, landed an appointment for a fantastic opportunity and are currently tracking at a response rate of TWO TO THREE TIMES the industry average! Even better, crafting and sending …

Welcome To The Holidaze!

Robin RobinsMSP Marketing

The most anticipated time of the year is here! Every weekday from Dec. 4th through Dec. 14th we’re celebrating you, the hardworking managed service providers, with a spectacular Holidaze event, brought to you by Channel Program and dozens of other IT vendors, including TMT. We know you put in a ton of hours throughout the year, so 28 of us …

stephen cracknell genius of the month

As A Result Of TMT Best Practices, We’ve Added FIVE New Mid-Market Clients And $34,525 In NEW MRR And Grew Year-Over-Year Revenue By 33%!

Stephen CracknellGenius of the Month

It’s rare to start a business that merges both your own passion and your spouse’s passion. In 2010, that’s exactly what we did. My wife’s background in health care and my knowledge of solving IT issues came together to form US Medical IT, providing IT support for the medical community of the Dallas–Fort Worth area. Hungry for more clients and …