Chris Hoose

, Formerly With Iconic IT,

In Just 4 Years, I’m On Pace To Nearly TRIPLE My Revenue To $6.5 Million And Double My Employees By Using Robin’s Sales And Marketing

Choose Networks used to be a 100% referral-based business. We had practically no marketing or sales effort to grow our business. Back then, we were pulling $2.3 million in revenue and had 18 employees.

We started implementing Robin’s sales and marketing strategies about four years ago. I joined Producers Club shortly after and was assigned to a great Accountability Group that followed up every week. We immediately improved our website and got our Done-For-You book DONE. Then we started running one marketing campaign after another.

Right now, we are on track to hit $6.5 million this year, and we are up to 38 employees. We are also growing at a rate of $1 million every year since starting Robin’s program, and it’s all organic growth! We expect this trend to continue year after year. The growth and transformation I have witnessed my business go through is astonishing. Today I’m focused 100% on sales and marketing because it’s the only way to continuously grow. In fact, Robin made me a badge that says, ‘I FIRED myself as a tech!’

I’m starting to see how Choose Networks will be able to stand on its own, without me. Just to think, I always wanted to join the Million Dollar Club. Now we’re racing toward the 10 Million Dollar Club and never looking back!”